Dealing With Stress

Stress that is not delt with is one of the leading causes of illnesses, in the world today. One can only wonder how that is even possible in the first place. Well if you are an adult, it’s possible to experience stress because of things happening within and around us. Therefore the ability to manage stress is what will make an individual mentally well.

According to WHO, stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a diffcult situation. Stress can manifest it’s self in individuals when they get high blood pressure, have diffculty in breathing, experience sleep problems, fatigue, panic attacks and more.

Photo Credit: Cottonbro Studios

So what exactly causes stress to individuals?

•Body changes like pregancy, periods, ovulation can lead to stress in women as a result of their side effects.

•Parenting can sometimes become stressful. This happens as parents try to balance work with friends and family.

•Financial issues ranging from being relieved from work, having more month than money or making bad investiment decisions can lead to stress.

•Low self esteem is one of the leading causes of stress amoung teenagers. Since this is the age where they experience numerous body changes, this also come with it’s own insecurities.

•People having health complications are likely to be stressed because of the heavy medication, and their side effects.

•Some people become stressed when it’s time to socialise with other people. They dread the whole experience and would rather be around people the know or alone.

•Finally if you have gone through school, you can attest to the fact that at some point you were stressed. You experienced stress because of the numerous school work, tests, examinations and the pressure to excel.

Since stress is sometimes inevitable, here are a few ways to deal with it.

• Plan your days, weeks and months to be sure you don’t miss out on important events and activities. Planning will also help you work through the activities with less pressure.

• When you are involved in alot of strenuous activities, ensure you take breaks to allow your body relax.

• Make sure you get enough sleep to help your mind and body refresh.

• If you are having any health complication, it’s better you adhere to your doctor’s instructions.

• Consume content that will make you laugh, it can be a movie or a comedy show. Being around interesting people also helps.

• Eat a balanced diet as often as possible, as this will help your body get the nutrients it needs to function well.

• Practise gratitude. Be thankful for the things that are going well in your life. Also be thankful for the things you have and those you usually take for granted.

• Reduce intake of drugs and alcohol and where possible eliminate them. As these interfere with the body’s functioning.

• Do things that make you happy or feel fulfilled. It can be participating in a competition, cooking a meal, gardening you name it.

•Depending of which level of stress you experience, how often it comes and at what time of the year. It is advisable to seek medical help as soon as possible.

• Finally, be kind to yourself when things don’t go your way and always look for ways to move forward.

Since most people are experiencing some level of stress, it is important that we become our brother’s keepers.

Kindly share with me how you are dealing with stress in the comment section. 

Leave a like so I can know that you were here. See you next week. 😊


  1. Pooja G says:

    Yes, stress is mostly inevitable these days and a cause for so many mental and physical health issues. These are all great tips to combat it. I would also add speaking to a therapist as speaking to a professional can help us feel less stressed and learn methods to deal with stress in healthy ways.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Gertrude_n says:

      Thank you.
      Seeing a theraptist is a good one.
      I usually admire how people who see therapists, navigate through life’s issues.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Pooja G says:

        I see a therapist and it’s definitely helped.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Gertrude_n says:

        That is great.

        Liked by 1 person

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